Making things better by making better things since 1996.
I’m a highly self-aware design leader with 30 years of experience leading and crafting digital experiences that solve complex problems, delight the users and exceed business outcomes. As a veteran HCI practitioner, I’m passionate about designing thoughtful, innovative, elegant user interfaces and interactions that reduce friction and make life better for users and more profitable for business. Along with being comfortable with ambiguity, I'm a solutionist who's borderline obsessed with solving problems, and among the few who sweats the small stuff (always have, always will). As a personal growth/mindset enthusiast, I’m convinced that being a great designer begins and ends with being a great human. I'm also the founder, host and producer of User Defenders Podcast, creator of the only Jakob Nielsen-endorsed Heuristic Evaluation Template, and I have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe.
Jason Ogle is the kind of designer you want on your team: bright, articulate, and deeply passionate about discovering, meeting, and surpassing the needs of the people who use your products and services. A committed humanist and natural leader, he inspires great ideas, fosters a culture of listening, and instills deep, positive values in his teammates.”Jeffrey Zeldman